New Hampshire Gravel Road Cycling

New Hampshire Gravel Road Cycling

Some photos from a gravel road training ride in the beautiful state of New Hampshire, August of 2014. Click a thumbnail image to see full size (hosted by Flickr). [alpine-phototile-for-flickr…
K-Dogg’s Savage CX Race Report – 2014

K-Dogg’s Savage CX Race Report – 2014

Savage Monster CX, Version 2

“I’d much rather suffer pain than terror in a bike race,” I complained to anyone around me as I yet again clawed back to my companions.

I can throw my 148 pound skeleton up hill pretty well for a 59 year old… but descend like a plucked chicken with acrophobia.  K-DoggPlummeting down a 20 percent potholed, washboardy, marble-infested blind corner mountainside is not my idea of survivable fun-though others seem to revel in it.  Somehow scores of CX’ers successfully fly past me down these sketchy roads with no problems at all… totally defying the laws of physics and coefficients of friction.
In North Florida we practice on sugar sand and potholed roads, except for the Flappalachian mountains (a geologic uprising between Lake City and Gainesville), we don’t have much to practice serious descents.

JOM’s Savage CX Race Report – 2014

JOM’s Savage CX Race Report – 2014

About the Race

Savage CX 2014, race #1 of the Blue Ridge Monster Cross Series – August 23, 2014.

From the event website – SavageCXLogo“Savage CX is held in the only designated Wilderness area in North Carolina, it is wild and scenic.  Often called the Grand Canyon of North Carolina, you will be in for a treat as you circumnavigate the gorge and push yourself to the base of Table Rock Mountain.”


Let’s Try This Again

That’s what myself and the Gainesville, Florida lads decided a few weeks after we appeared at the 2013 edition (2013 race video).  Some of us didn’t have the best of luck at Savage CX 2013, and figured we should make amends in 2014.  A bit of tribal knowledge from 2013 goes a long way in 2014.  This year, K-Dogg, Dr Pain and JOM made the trip to Nebo, NC.  Irish Ed had relocated to DC, so no Savage CX 2014 redux for him.

Next stop, New England

Next stop, New England

Saturday, myself and two of my teammates raced Savage CX in Nebo, NC.  I will spare everyone the details until the ride report is written, but suffice to say, everyone…
Sardines in a Can

Sardines in a Can

The next adventure is underway.  Two races, gravel roads, five new states, one new country and a vehicle filled with bicycles.  Inside the vehicle is a cross bike, a monster…
A Visit to American Classic – Wheelmakers Extraordinaire

A Visit to American Classic – Wheelmakers Extraordinaire

Recently, I had the opportunity to tour inside American Classic’s North American Headquarters, in Tampa, Florida.  I’ve been using the company’s wheels for many years, on several of my personal gravel, limerock and road bikes.

Way too much fun happening here.
Interbike Wheels.

During my brief visit, the American Classic staff were busily preparing for the upcoming Interbike trade show (visit them at booth 8091).  In the event you haven’t heard of Interbike, it’s the USA’s biggest cycling related trade show, primarily intended for those in the cycling industry.  Nowadays, the last day of the show is open to the Public.

New website logo on the way…

To make everyone's visit to this blog a more pleasant and visually stimulating experience, I have commissioned a local Gainesville, Florida graphics artist to design a logo, indicative of what…
1987 Just Called

1987 Just Called

Flicking through a December 1987 copy of Bicycling Magazine, I found several little gems worth sharing.  In case anyone says anything, EVERYTHING here is relevant to Gravel Grinding.  Sort of.

Critical Film | Documentary

If you love Gravel Racing and Ultra Cross, this is a must see German made documentary film.  It really typifies the spirit associated with this genre of cyclocross. CRITICAL DIRT…
Road Bikes & Limerock Roads

Road Bikes & Limerock Roads

Another Long Road Ride
Picture a hot and humid Sunday morning, in Gainesville, Florida.  Seventy eight miles were planned, from the agreed meeting place, but more if you rode to the start.  That’s what I did.  Weather forecast called for showers around 1pm, which is pretty typical in Florida for this time of year.

Note to self: prepare for the ride by wearing not your best kit, not your best shoes, and riding not your best bike, aka the “rain bike”, “frog bike”, etc.  If you’ve only got one bike, well, that’s a bugger.  The route was carefully chosen; I have a nice library of rides I have prepared over the years, and rotate them in and out on any given weekend day.

Is it “next right” or “right”?

Is it “next right” or “right”?

This is the conundrum our grupetto faced during today’s 86 mile training ride.  “Next right”, or “right”?  First world problems abound here.

Setting the Scene
Imagine a two by two group of riders, 12 in all, chugging along on serene Florida back roads.  The bloke leading the ride, yours truly, was calling out the turns to whomever was on the front.  A few of the riders were ignoring me, as they had swiped a copy of my awesome course file, and loaded onto their little Garmin 705’s and 800’s.  The purple line can rule your life.  Lemmings.

It’s a little sandy early on…
Where the trouble started.

The group was heading South along a paved road (at left).  Yours truly, a row or two from the front, calls out “next right”, not once, not twice, but thrice, each time increasing in volume.