Veterans Poker Run 2014

Veterans Poker Run 2014

About the Event This isn't a gravel ride.  Regardless, Gravel Cyclist and several other aficionados of the genre, joined members of the Gainesville Cycling Club, 352 Racing / Bikes and…
VIDEO: Fried Green 50 Race 2014

VIDEO: Fried Green 50 Race 2014

About the Event The Fried Green 50 is a 50 mile Gravel and Refuge road gravel grinder in the Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge.  Rest stops and shorter ride options are…
FarmerG’s Zukas Cycles CX Bike

FarmerG’s Zukas Cycles CX Bike

Zukas Cycles CX Bike FarmerG is a cool dude.  He also happens to be a pretty handy bike racer, including wins and podiums in 2014 50+ UltraCX races such as…
VIDEO: Sac O Suds 50 Race 2014

VIDEO: Sac O Suds 50 Race 2014

About the Event Read more about the event, courtesy of the Race reports from JOM (HERE) and FarmerG (HERE). Event Video - Best viewed in HD! Don't forget to subscribe…