Dr Pain’s Monster Cross Bike

Dr Pain’s Monster Cross Bike

Dr Pain like JOM, is an equipment nut.  After what Dr Pain felt were several life threatening experiences at past Ultra CX and endurance CX events, he decided he needed…
JOM’s Dirty 40 Race Bike

JOM’s Dirty 40 Race Bike

For those who don’t know me, I’m a bit of an equipment nut.  I source the parts and assemble most of my bikes myself.  Not a fan of out of the box, pre-assembled bikes.  This ensures I know what’s going into the bike, and have myself to blame when something screws up on the bike.  I also hate riding the same stuff as everybody else; it’s cool to have a unique bike.

I’ve yet to learn how to build my own wheels, because I’m lazy, but in most instances, I am using American Classic wheels, which are virtually handbuilt wheels any.  I eschew proprietary spokes and that sort of rubbish.  I choose reliable equipment, with parts I can easily replace.  I tote along spare parts (or a spare bike) to most races, so no worries there.  Onto the bike…

A Visit to American Classic – Wheelmakers Extraordinaire

A Visit to American Classic – Wheelmakers Extraordinaire

Recently, I had the opportunity to tour inside American Classic’s North American Headquarters, in Tampa, Florida.  I’ve been using the company’s wheels for many years, on several of my personal gravel, limerock and road bikes.

Way too much fun happening here.
Interbike Wheels.

During my brief visit, the American Classic staff were busily preparing for the upcoming Interbike trade show (visit them at booth 8091).  In the event you haven’t heard of Interbike, it’s the USA’s biggest cycling related trade show, primarily intended for those in the cycling industry.  Nowadays, the last day of the show is open to the Public.